
happy woman

Unusual but Effective Ways to Boost Your Confidence

It’s no surprise that the biggest issue in the 21st century is low self-esteem. You have social media to thank for that. A lot of people don’t realize that social media isn’t reality. People have learned to frame their lives on social media to make it seem more perfect than it is. We’ve learned to

happy couple

Live Simpler, Live Happier: What You Need to Live a Simple and Happy Life

Happiness eludes a lot of people for the reason that they are focused on the wrong things. Sometimes, it just takes a certain change in the way we look at simple things that can unlock happiness. 12 Things You Can Live by If You Want a Happier and Simpler Life   Declutter and downsize. To

woman cooking

Cooking at Home to Change Food Habits for a Healthier Lifestyle

According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Australia ranked ninth out of the 23 nations on obesity rates. Over 63% of the country’s population over the age of 15 is either overweight or obese. This is due to many Australians opting for instant or convenient foods, with its market demand for instant noodles reaching

Children Need Privacy: 3 Simple Ways Every Parent Can Give It

Privacy is a complicated issue in parenting, and for a good reason. A parent like you has an inherent desire to see your child safe and happy all the time. If it means keeping your eyes peeled 24/7, you will do it. The only problem is that while your intentions are good, the impact this

kid's birthday

Virtual Celebrations: Hosting Kiddie Parties in the Age of Pandemic

In response to the coronavirus scare, birthday parties have been temporarily put off. This means no party clowns, no colorful streamers, no sea of people to celebrate your most special day of the year. While grown-ups are perfectly fine with skipping festivities this 2020, kids are having difficulty adjusting to the new normal. Fortunately, parents


Confidence Among Older Adults: Fixing Common Skin Issues that Come with Aging

Your skin, the largest organ of your body, works hard to protect you from disease-causing viruses and bacteria, hazardous particles that come with the air, and harsh environmental elements such as the hot rays of the sun, the chill of snow, and bugs and critters that fly around you. That is why, it is no

Expert-level Tricks to Look Better in Your Photos

Knowing your best angle in photos is as important as dressing up for it. Yes, it might sound a bit superficial but in such a social-media-obsessed world, one cannot help but think someone’s always snapping photos somewhere. Do you really want your out-of-bed-look to be on Facebook and Instagram? But most people don’t even know

Business as usual

A Company’s Guide of What Millennials Want in a Workplace

The first digitally-native generation is dominating the workplace more and more each day. Millennials are projected to comprise 75 percent of the global workforce by 2025. Although all generations face challenges as they enter the labour force, this generation is different from its predecessors since they grew up in a time when the digital revolution

sleeping baby on moms shoulder

4 Things You Need to Know about Shopping for Baby Clothes

Raising a baby is not for the faint of heart. It requires tremendous amounts of understanding and patience. However, it’s not without its rewards. One of the many joys of parenthood is shopping for the baby’s new wardrobe. Whether you’re shopping in advance or for a newborn, it’s important to remember that buying clothes for

working from home

Prepare Yourself for the next Step in the Trend of Working from Home

Although Covid-19 has disrupted the world, not everyone has been affected equally. Across the globe, some countries have managed to flatten the curve, while others are struggling to contain the continued spread of the coronavirus. As a result, the travel industry is still reeling, and its path to recovery remains uncertain. Depending on where you

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