smiling woman

Keeping a Healthy Smile as You Grow Older

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It is true that there are many aspects of our bodies that change as we grow older. For instance, the abundance of white hair and having sagging skin are usual markers that a person is growing old.

Many seem to think that losing teeth should also be accepted as a natural part of aging, but this should not be the case. With good and consistent dental care and hygiene, your teeth can stay intact even into old age.

It is usually poor teeth management that leads to dental issues such as gum inflammation, chipping teeth, and tooth decay down the road. But while there is still time for you to take care of your teeth, do not delay adopting proper dental care practices to preserve your teeth.

But first, what about when there are already signs of damage to your teeth?

Dentures or Implants?

There are instances in which irreversible damage has already occurred on your teeth. In these types of situations, one usually asks: should I get dentures or dental implants?

Both dentures and implants accomplish the same purpose for those who use them. They allow you to chew your food easily and assist with speech since tooth loss affects your ability to do both easily. They also have cosmetic value, as it lets people gain back confidence lost from losing teeth. However, both differ significantly when it comes to price and maintenance.

Getting dental implants is a more expensive procedure than having dentures made, but implants are much easier to take care of. They require you to brush your teeth and floss properly as usual.

Dentures, on the other hand, should not be worn overnight. You must keep them soaked in a denture solution or some water when not in use, as they can lose their shape if not stored accordingly. You also need to brush and clean your dentures before and after wearing them and require some adjustment in case your bite changes.

The decision on getting dentures or implants ultimately depends on certain factors, such as one’s age, hygiene practices, and preference.

teeth whitening

Keeping Teeth Healthy

Thankfully, there are simple steps you can take to ensure the long-term health of your pearly whites. These three steps will take you far in taking care of your teeth.

  1. Monitor your snacks and meals

What you eat has a significant effect on the health of your teeth, even when you are young. Firstly, consuming sugary foods creates an acid that breaks down the enamel of teeth, which leads to cavities. Sour, sticky candies are especially harmful as they do not only stick to teeth but also usually have more harmful acids than other sweets.

One that many tend to overlook the effects of is ice. Although it is made of water, the usual instinct when drinking beverages with ice is to chew them. The stress this puts on your teeth can lead to breakage in the enamel, which can chip or crack teeth. Though the urge may be strong, avoid chewing on the ice in your drinks.

  1. Do not smoke or stop smoking

Smoking also has a profound effect on your dental health. Smokers are more susceptible to gum disease because smoking gets in the way of the regular working of cells in your gum tissue. The activity also puts people at higher risk of oral cancer.

Smoking also lists bad breath and discoloration of teeth as its consequences, which can seem small, but hamper how one can participate in social interactions. Darkened teeth or a lack of them can make people lose confidence, which can make them unwilling to mingle with other people.

  1. Visit your dentist regularly

Dentist visits are not a suggestion. They are a must if you are to keep your teeth healthy until old age. Your dentist has the expertise to detect any potential issues before they further develop, which lets you get the treatment you need earlier. This means saving on expensive dental procedures and avoiding painful sensations on your teeth due to decay.

You should also visit your dentist to get your teeth professionally cleaned. Professional cleaning is necessary because it removes plaque, especially in areas that are hard to reach with a toothbrush and floss. Most advice says that every six months is adequate, but this usually depends on your susceptibility to various dental conditions and issues.

Keeping your smile bright and healthy as you grow old does not have to be a complicated matter. Indeed, all it takes are regular dental checkups and discipline in keeping to your dentist-approved dental care routine.

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