Home and Garden

kids playing

Easy Ways to Encourage Kids to Enjoy the Outdoors

Kids these days are spending less time outdoors, and this doesn’t just mark an interesting comparison between modern habits and those of previous generations. Studies show that today’s youth spends only up to seven minutes for unstructured outdoor activity on average, as compared to their average time exposed to screens and spent with electronic activities,

Wooden shingle roof with molds and algaes on the surface

Blue-Green Algae: The Organism That Has Been Messing Roofs For Ages

When you are driving down any street in Wisconsin, check the roofs of buildings. There is a likelihood of seeing several roofs with brown or black marks. Many property owners mistake this for moss or mold. What you are seeing in real sense is a protective layer against sun rays. Algae that go by the

tree house

5 Things to Remember Before Building a Tree House

Childhood is a fleeting time for both your kids and yourself as a parent. That’s why you try hard to squeeze in as much fun and guidance as you can. When it comes to the former, only a few things can beat the enchanting enjoyment of a backyard treehouse. If you’ve decided to take on

using aircon

11 Ways to Keep Your Home Cool Throughout the Summer

December is just around the corner and before you know it, summer’s already here! We have listed down a few simple yet excellent ways of cooling your home in Australia this summer without jacking up the electric bill. 11 Simple but Brilliant Ideas to Cool Your Home This Summer

Movers unloading the truck

6 Things You Should Know About Moving To A Different State

Moving is a tedious process at best, and for out-of-state moves, it can be a new level of challenging. Are you moving to a different state soon? Read these tips before you start planning. Are you moving to another state for a new job? To be closer to the family? Or just want a change

Gardener planting in his garden

Home-Grown Vegetables: Start a Garden at Your Huge Backyard

With the continuous rise of food and transportation costs, it is now more practical and a lot easier to grow your own food at home. In fact, it can be a good business for you to start and offer to your community. Planting a vegetable garden isn’t as hard or as expensive as most people think.

Modern bathroom with shower and sink

A Guide to a Complete Bathroom Remodel

A lot of homeowners would love a change of scenery, especially when they have been staying in the same house for years. However, a vacation trip might not be enough to quench their desires for something new. At this point, you should consider remodeling parts of your home to refresh your perspective. The good thing

4 Space-Saving Strategies for Small Living Rooms

When we talk about living rooms, we often imagine a big area filled with bulky and space-occupying cabinets, sofas, shelves, chairs, and tables and a lot of room to walk around and stretch. So when you move into an apartment or house with a small living room, it becomes confusing to figure out how to

modern clean home

And There Was Light: Simple Solutions to Increase Natural Light in Your Home

Most people in the modern world spend up to 90% of their hours indoors. It’s one of the reasons why we need encouragement to go outdoors and get some exercise, sunshine, and fresh air. The sheer amount of time you spend indoors means that making small changes to your home environment, for example, can indeed

Gardener Installing Natural Grass Turfs Creating Beautiful Lawn Field

Why Do You Need Commercial Landscaping

Are you tired of working for someone else? Starting your own business is an ideal choice so that you can manage everything by yourself. As an entrepreneur, you want to have an attractive and uniquely designed outdoor space for your business site. No worries, as you can now conveniently get commercial landscaping services in Eugene and other

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