
Kid feeling distressed

Things You Can Do for a Friend with OCD

Living with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can be difficult. A person who suffers from this condition can’t explain why they have to do certain things repeatedly or why their behavior is like that. The way they act may be irritating to others, but for them, it’s debilitating and sometimes even frustrating. Imagine having to turn off

Neurologist beside the window

When It Is Time to See a Neurologist

Headaches are common sensations that we often take for granted and rarely seek a doctor for medical advice. But if you are feeling these sensations that seem to come and go frequently, then perhaps it’s time you seek the advice of a specialist in neurology in St. George. If you are feeling the following symptoms,

woman with ear pain

How to Avoid and Alleviate Swimmer’s Ear

Whether you are heading to the ocean, lake, or community swimming pool, don’t let the threat of swimmer’s ear wreck your plans to enjoy the water with your friends and family. Your ears are very tricky body parts. Pain and blockage could transform an otherwise happy time in the water into a painful one. That

Dentist equipments

An Everyday Part of Life

It is very important to visit a dentist in Mackay in order to keep the gums and teeth healthy in order to benefit from them for life. At Walkerston Dental in Walkerston, patients can benefit from a host of dental care services that will leave a patient grinning from ear to ear. 64% of Australians

call your dentist

These are the reasons why you should have your dentist on speed dial

Visiting the dentist for an appointment is not something people love doing, but it is a necessary part of life that should not be viewed negatively and done regularly, twice a year to achieve optimal health and hygiene. When you are sick, you visit the doctor, and the same should occur when you feel there

two dentists

A guide to orthodontics

Most people have heard of orthodontics, but what does it mean? It’s a specialised kind of dental treatment that involves correcting the teeth when they are crooked, protruding or overcrowded. The purpose of this is to make the teeth look better, and to help them function better. Orthodontic treatment can also help to protect the

toddler playing block toys

Top Safety Rules When Buying Toys for Younger Kids

Selecting a toy that you know will elicit giggles and put a huge smile on your child’s face is super fun. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) strongly advises parents to evaluate the safety of a toy before buying it. Here are no-nonsense and easy-to-follow tips when purchasing toys to ensure your little one’s

Bedroom with grey walls

Decorating a Bedroom with Grey Walls

Decorating your own home comes with its own challenges. You have to pick a colour that won’t bore you the next day and select the right décor to complement the theme and look of the home. If you have decided to go with grey walls in your bedroom, you may be impressed with the appearance,

Man holding blue prostate cancer awareness ribbon

Advanced Prostate Cancer: Best Ways to Cope With Pain

Not all men living with end-stage or advanced prostate cancer feel debilitating pain. However, most of them will, especially if the cancer has metastasized or spread to the bones. Nowadays, oncologists are focused on not only treating the cancer but also managing the pain since it can be chronic and negatively affect daily living. Fortunately,

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