Not everyone has a calling of being a parent, but more and more millennials are starting to open themselves for a similar role— being a fur parent. Millennials, unlike the generation before them, are focusing on raising a household which consists of them and their pets, rather than having a conventional family where there are parents and children. Having a pet completes people’s lives in ways non-pet owners would not understand. That is also one of the reasons why you are reading this article.
With the rise of pet owners, dog obedience training schools in Loxahatchee are also on the rise. Pet owners would want to make their relationship with their dogs a more fruitful one by molding them to be better companions. Like raising children, it is ideal for dogs to be brought to schools to learn basic manners and conduct inside and outside the house. Choosing the right training school is not easy, but these points can help you evaluate which one to put your dog into.
Dog training selection guide
Start them early
Dogs, like children, learn well at a young age. That is why it is ideal to enroll them in training schools between 8-12 weeks. Although your dog can still learn and be taught at an older age, utilizing this optimum period can help build a better foundation for your dog’s character.
- Understand your dog’s nature
Like humans, dogs have their respective nature unique to themselves. Thus, it pays to get to know your dog well as it will affect your choice for the training school. Is your dog strong-willed? Is he patient and passive? Or is he active and needs to be controlled from time to time? Also, it pays to know what you want him to become. A different set of training is needed to be a therapy dog, a home dog, and one whom you can go to adventures with. Knowing these qualities (and more) can help you understand the kind of training needed to mold him.
- Do a background check on the school
It is easy for one to give out a calling card and introduce himself as a dog trainer. But being one requires not just having a business permit. Dog trainers and institutions are certified by organizations like The Association of Professional Dog Trainers, the Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training & Behavior, the Academy for Dog Trainers, or the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultant. Being certified by these institutions mean that you are working with a reliable trainer who will not only help your dog learn, but can also keep their welfare in mind.
- Practice at home
Children bring assignments at home to help them further understand the lessons for the day. Same is true with your dogs. Practicing the things that they have learned at home can help ingrain these important skills in their system. As they say, practice makes perfect, and it applies not only to humans but also to dogs as well.
Learning is a continuous process. But with the right foundation and guidance, you would be able to have a well-behaved dog who is not only your companion but also your friend.