Online Marketing

social media apps

How to Establish a Social Media Presence from Scratch

When it comes to social media, everyone wants to be a part of the action. From Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you’ll find millions of users, influencers, and brands vying for everyone’s attention. After all, gaining social media recognition means more followers, higher popularity, and even sponsorships. Some even establish their fully branded community platforms to

Startup Basics: How to Grow Your Audience from the Ground Up

There is an ongoing misconception among startup entrepreneurs that the moment you launch your product, people will get attracted to it naturally. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case in reality. “If you build it, they will come.” This motto has been debunked by many successful business leaders. They argue that such advice can bring disastrous outcomes for

start concept

Things to Consider When Starting a Business amid the Pandemic

Everyone has a brilliant idea for a business, but not everyone has the stomach to pursue it. Not all persons are born to become business owners, for self-discipline, sacrifice, and dedication are necessary to be successful in the business industry. This is especially true in today’s current business landscape. With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing business

woman using her phone

5 Ways to Boost Your Business Security

Keeping businesses safe from both online and real-world threats is a seriously tough gig. For instance, not only do small businesses have to be on guard against petty crimes such as shoplifting and trespassing, but they’re also susceptible to fraud and employee theft. According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, small businesses typically lose


The Basics of SEO for Beginners

When it comes to digital marketing or e-commerce, you might still be a fish out of water. Perhaps competition and the coronavirus pandemic are forcing you to pivot. Either way, you’re not alone. Hundreds are in the same position as you. However, being new to the game is not an excuse not to learn the

startup agency

Digital Marketing Startup: How to Differentiate Your Agency from Others

The digital marketing landscape is a cutthroat industry. Every day, there’s a new player offering something different. And long-established firms have their names, tried-and-tested processes and advanced technology, which startups can’t keep up with. It’s important that you invest in techniques that differentiate your digital marketing agency from your competition. This helps you capture the


Marketing Ideas for Sign-making Businesses

Any sign-making business, whether big or small, can always use a few marketing ideas to help generate more clients. If you want to attract more audiences to your sign making business, here are some marketing strategies that you can try: 1. Brag about your technology If you’ve just bought the latest machine from a CNC

office employees

Surviving a Pandemic-stricken Economy: Ways to Cut Costs for Small Businesses

The odds are hardly ever fair for small businesses. If a hundred small businesses open in an average economic landscape: only around 80 will make it past their first year; 56 will reach their second year; 28 will reach their fifth year; and around 8 or 9 businesses will live past their 10th year. Not

team of employees in the meeting room

Business Idea: Creating a Lasting Impression for Your Startup

Running a startup company provides you with the benefit of building a new concept from scratch. That means you have the freedom to choose where to take your business. Aside from this, you will have total control of the processes and business operations. You don’t have to consult several people or ask for permission every

team meeting

Keep Your Brand Aligned with These Ideas

Business tycoon Henry Ford once said you can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do. This is an evergreen statement that is still relevant to today’s branding strategy. A brand must deliver results and be consistent across the board. Consistency separates the best companies from those that try to take their place

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