Home and Garden


Make an Impression with Unique Decor Ideas

When you have a new house, it is like a blank canvas. It looks pretty bland until you put your personal touch on it. The mistake that many new homeowners make is that they try to be safe when they have to be bold. If you really want to make your mark on your new


Growing Vegetables and Fruits in Your Yard

If you’ve decided to start growing your vegetables and fruits at home, you’ve made a fantastic choice with far-reaching benefits. Working with soil and plants is a great way to teach your little ones the importance of food and why it’s good to eat fruits or veggies, making it an excellent stress buster and educational

house exterior

Home Aesthetics and Their Effects on Your Mood

Happiness starts at home. Or so homemakers say. But can you still find cheerfulness and delight when your living space looks worn out, cluttered, and unappealing? Probably not. The good news is, you can always work on making your home look lovelier and, in effect, improve your mood as well. A lot of people dream

a spacious room

Six Things You Can Use to Divide an Overly Spacious Room

Open-concept floor plans came to trend a few years back, and until now, many homeowners are still into it. Not surprising, because it easily creates the illusion of more square footage in a small space. It makes a room feel airier, and allows high-traffic without you knocking furniture over, or bumping your toe into edges.

being a handy man

How Being a Handyman Benefits You As a Person

Some people wear many hats, figuratively speaking. Think about that one friend who surprised you with their hidden skills. For example, when you learn that a person you work closely with at the office who is an expert at creating advanced spreadsheets also has amazing cooking skills at home. When you are a homeowner, and

reading book

Credibility Bookcase: The World Is Judging Your Intellect When You’re on Zoom

In the age of Zoom, our bookcases earn a rare moment in the spotlight. In a video call interview with Stephen Colbert, actress Cate Blanchett attracted global attention not only because of her charm and grace but also because of her full collection of Oxford English dictionaries and other interesting titles. Some people like having

Gardener applying turf rolls in the backyard

It’s Time to Consider Backyard Gardening

Tending to your garden during a pandemic is good for your health and well-being. For one, gardening and nature have proven benefits to one’s mental health. Second, it helps reduce depression, anxiety, and heart disease. Most importantly growing a vegetable garden will give you a healthy food supply. Your produce will be organic and free from

chefs inside the kitchen

Why You Should Make the Kitchen a Top Priority When Buying a New Home

Many homeowners looked at a property, saw the layout and the location, and made an immediate offer for it. The one mistake you can do as a homeowner is to forget to consider the kitchen and not make it a top priority. Many people still do that—they overlook how important the kitchen is when this is where


Save Money by Installing Window Tints

The average American household spends a whopping $2,200 on utilities every year. Guess where more than half of that goes? That’s right: heating and air-conditioning, and those costs go up if you live in places with temperature extremes, like Arizona, or Alaska. Heck, even places like California, which is famous for having year-round moderate weather,


Innovative Ways to Invite Natural Light into Your Home

These days, many of us barely have enough time to enjoy the benefits of natural light. Thanks to its health and energy-saving benefits, many homeowners are now on the lookout for ways to take advantage of natural light. What better way to effortlessly increase natural light in your home than by tackling specific home improvements?

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