
Man feeling under the weather

Online Self-Diagnosis and Why You Shouldn’t Do It

When you find yourself under the weather or with a massive headache, it’s easy to find the possible causes for your symptoms through a Google search. Often, you’ll see an article perfectly describing everything you feel, but they all point to a deadly virus. The anxiety starts to creep in as you stare at your

Man with puffy eyes looking up

Four Easy Hacks to Get Rid of Puffy Eyes

Puffy eyes can make you look old and tired. It can be significantly unpleasant, especially if you have to go to work where you need to look alert. Even worse, the puffiness also comes with dark circles that can make you look even older and more tired. That’s why a growing number of people are

3 American Films That Oversimplified Mental Health (And One That Got It Right)

With influential names and a vast following, Hollywood is no doubt one of the greatest influencers in society. Today, with the advent of globalization, Hollywood has become embedded in most of the cultures in the world. Without question, it has shaped the views and opinions of many about social issues. For years, mental illness has

Some Common Dentistry Offerings Explored

When people look at the services offered by the dentist in Harley Street, they are likely to see a range of cosmetic procedures, tooth replacement options and even facial aesthetics possibilities. While these are excellent and exciting treatments, the fundamentals are still key to most patients. These cover the everyday experience of dentistry at different

Patient with her dentist

Preventing Gum Disease

An essential requirement for the prevention of oral disease is early diagnosis. This can only be achieved by visiting the dentist, ideally twice a year. However, some patients are more prone to gum disease and infection than others, therefore they will be asked to visit the dentist more often than that for preventive reasons. Gum

a woman with a nice smile

Replacing Knocked Out Teeth With Dental Implants In Garforth

Every emergency dentist will do their best to put knocked out teeth back in their sockets. Often such attempts work and the patient can get on with life just as if they never took that face plant. But when teeth don’t go back, it’s time to think about getting them replaced and what is the

clear braces and a tooth model

Getting The Best Out Of The Cosmetic Dentist In Bromley

People can wander around for years with teeth they don’t much like. Cracks, chips, worn edges, discolouration, twists and leans, even too much gum – all can play a part in chipping away at someone’s self-esteem. They may hold their hands over their faces, or smile with closed lips, sometimes give up smiling altogether. What

Finding the right barber for you

Is Your Barber the Right One for You?

Finding a perfect barber who suits your style may not be so easy. For instance, when you are in a new city, how would you know who you can trust your hair? Most people end up being disappointed with their first-time barbers. However, there are ways to find a barber who suits your style. Make

Take a Scary Hayride and Ease Your Mind

It is easy to write off a scary ride as just a plain old Halloween tradition, not knowing that it comes with additional benefits. Such an experience is linked with significant improvement in mental health and wellness. If you don’t have a thing for the gory and macabre, you will have tons of fun checking

Tips for Having Youthful Skin

Regardless of how old you are, age is just a number. However, some people, especially those who suffer from sun damage and premature wrinkles, might not be quick to believe that. Fortunately, these three tips can help you look young: Always Use SPF Sunscreen The most proven way to keep years off your face is

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