Understanding Homeopathy and Its Roots

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Homeopathy is a popular holistic medicine discipline and treatment that has been in use since the late 1800s. Founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, this form of medication became widespread after it cured the diseases that were rampant during those periods. It can be recalled that the 1800s were beset with diseases and epidemics, including cholera, yellow fever, typhoid fever, and scarlet fever.   In the 1900s, the homeopathic method of medication became even more popular. It was even taught in medical schools in the likes of Stanford University, New York Medical College, and Boston University. All in all, there were a thousand pharmacies selling homeopathic medications, 22 schools teaching homeopathic medicine, and a hundred hospitals practicing homeopathic treatment.

In the 1920s, the popularity of homeopathy declined gradually. Schools that taught this form of treatment closed one after another. The decline in its popularity was partly due to the emergence of drug companies that created and released easier-to-administer medications to patients.

The Resurgence

While its popularity declined in the US, homeopathy was also steadily growing in parts of Europe and Asia. These days, homeopathic medications have regained their fame, and they are now being used by people around the world. Pharmacies in Russia, France, Mexico, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, South America, and England are now selling homeopathic remedies and medications. In 1996, the National Center for Homeopathy in Virginia reported that Americans were spending 230 million dollars on homeopathic remedies alone.

It was also stated that sales were expected to rise to about 15% per year. The resurgence of the popularity of homeopathic remedies was due to the clamor generated by scientists, doctors, corporations, researchers, and the general public. Educational research is being done continuously to study the effectiveness of this form of treatment in addressing health issues.

When to Use Homeopathy

Homeopathy has been used to treat a wide variety of illnesses, including the following:

  • Hay fever
  • Asthma
  • Ear infections
  • Arthritis
  • Dermatitis
  • High blood pressure
  • Allergies
  • Malaria
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Migraines
  • Mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and stress

Some homeopathic remedies can also be used to treat minor conditions, such as headaches, scrapes, toothaches, bruises, coughs and colds, and nausea.

Homeopathic remedies are relatively safe to administer. So far, no adverse side effects have been reported.

How It Works

Experts who practice homeopathy as a form of treating health conditions are called homeopaths. They work behind the principle “like cures like”. This means that they treat illnesses using the very thing that may cause the same symptoms such as the ones felt by the individual. For instance, onions may be used to treat allergies because they make the eyes water.

They may also use poison ivy, poison sumac, or poison oak to treat dermatitis because they cause temporary irritations and rashes when they get in contact with the skin. Basically, the homeopaths will dilute the main ingredients using alcohol or water. The mixture will then be made to go through a process called potentization.

woman looking at xray of brain

This process is believed to transfer the healing potential of the main ingredient to the mixture. According to homeopathy, the lower the dose of the main ingredient, the powerful will be the result of the homeopathic medicine. Homeopathic remedies can come in different forms. They may be packaged as tablets, sugar pellets, gels, creams, or liquid drops to make them easier for people to take.

Homeopaths generally work like doctors or licensed medical practitioners. They may perform a general assessment of the person’s overall emotional, mental, and physical health. They will then prescribe certain homeopathic remedies based on their findings. Often, homeopaths will prescribe remedies that best match all the symptoms experienced by the individual. Homeopathic treatments are tailored based on the findings of the homeopath and on the symptoms felt by the individual.

How to Become a Homeopath

In the US, a person who aims to become a homeopath is required to take years of study and gain clinical experience. Many homeopaths are medical doctors, osteopaths, chiropractors, nurses, veterinarians, dentists, and naturopaths. There are schools that offer homeopathic training to those who want to become an expert on this form of treatment.

Homeopathic remedies are effective yet affordable forms of treatment. They can also be used in conjunction with other forms of the healing process.

To make sure that homeopathic medicine does work, be sure to only seek the services of a licensed homeopathic practitioner. If an individual is currently undergoing medical treatment and wants to shift to homeopathic remedies or use such in conjunction with the current medical treatment, it is advised to consult with a physician first.