Kybella: A Non-Surgical Way to Remove Chin and Neck Fat

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Chin and Neck FatThe chin and the neck fat are usually what people check to easily determine if they gain weight. If they see these two, they panicked finding ways to get rid of them. Exercising can do good, but it takes a long time. There are ways to get fast results, though. One of the popular ways is cosmetic surgery. This one, however, is too much for people afraid of anesthesia and operation.

It’s a good thing that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of keoxycholic acid or simply Kybella, a synthetic fat-absorbing substance. Kybella shots help in decreasing chin and neck fat. The substance, when injected in the particular area, melts the fat.

No Recovery Time

Since we are talking about Kybella shots, there will be apparent physical effects such as redness at the injection site. Some people who participated in the trial felt the fluid beneath the skin on the first day of injecting the substance. But there’s no need for recovery time, explains

Few Shots

Although it depends on the severity of the condition, it will take up to six shots at most to melt the fat. For those with moderate double chin, the condition improves with just three shots. It’s better to have your physician assessed your condition first before you get the injections. That is to determine how many shots you will need.

A Breakthrough

Participants of the FDA trial for the said substance considered this injectable treatment as the newest breakthrough. Kybella is the first of its kind and would really help those who are suffering from obesity, among others. Its approval will also open doors for new products in the market.

Kybella is 100% safe, a breakthrough injectable treatment. With just a couple of shots, the fatty appearance can be minimized.