employee engagement

How Can You Improve Employee Engagement in Your Office?

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In an ideal setting, any business with engaged leaders and employees would have increased productivity in the office. But according to research by Gallup, only 13% of employees around the world are engaged with their work. Australia and New Zealand, in particular, only have 14% engaged workers, and then 71% not engaged (putting time for the job with no passion) and 15% actively disengaged (unhappy and undermining).

The Reasons

One study shows that the lack of engagement is usually due to unsafe workplaces, unreasonable demands, and little supervisory support resulting in mental health problems and increased absences from employees. This is why employers have to step it up with regards to their office spaces and the physical and mental health of their employees.

The Actions

To increase employee engagement in your office, one of the first things that you need to do is to keep an open and honest communication. Sharing your business goals with your employees is a good start. While there are many templates for good engagement programs that you can search online, crafting one that is tailor fit to your organization’s goals and vision is the best option.

1. Make them happy

happy employees

Your employees are among your best assets, so it is only important that you understand that that they are more than just their job descriptions. Start by asking them what makes them happy or what they feel needs to be done.

You can get this information by letting them answer a well-constructed survey. Make sure all of the questions are measurable so that you can decide on specific actions to take later on

2. Listen to them

Being a great leader is also a critical driver for helping increase engagement in the office. Great leaders or managers not only care about their employees’ achievements and successes. They also focus on hearing each of the employees’ opinions and ideas, which, in turn, empowers them. Managers themselves may also need coaching to be able to lead their team to the right direction.

3. Give them a good workplace

The work environment is also one factor that affects engagement. Is your office conducive to productivity and positive mental health? Does it have enough natural light and green spaces? Are the work areas spacious enough? Are employees locked into desks that limit their movement and freedom?

An office fit out project management team can help you redesign your office space to be more comfortable. Research says that around 88% of engaged employees feel freedom or control over their work experience, as well as their workplace environment and design. Consult your employees on what design changes may need to be done in your office.

Good business begins with taking care of your employees and the environment they are in. Leaders should make it a point to guide employees to success not just for the organization, but also for their individual needs and skills. Leaders who communicate the effects of engagement to their employees and integrate it into their system will observe increased productivity and in turn, higher business profits.

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