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Globe Trotter: Why Staying in a Hostel is Fun

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Are you travelling somewhere far for a long period but have a tight budget? Why not try staying in places like Central London hostels. This type of accommodation has its fair share of advantages. Some stay for their affordability, while others do so because they can meet new friends. Still undecided? Here are some reasons to convince you:

Travelling on a Budget

One of the obvious reasons people stay in hostels is because of their affordability. Travelling — whatever the purpose — is expensive. Airline cost alone can put a hole in your wallet, so what more with the accommodation? You don’t have to suffer financially when you stay in a hostel, especially if you’re planning to stay for weeks or even months. Hostels are affordable because they utilise shared bathrooms and kitchen. If you don’t have any problem with this, then go on and book one.

The cost of staying in a hostel will surprise you. It’s far lower than staying in a hotel. A lot of people don’t mind shared amenities because they aren’t spending a lot of time in their accommodations anyway. A hostel is just a place to sleep in. As long as your valuables are safe, then staying here is a sensible choice.

Aside from affordability, you’ll discover that many hostels are located where the action is. They’re in city centres even if they’re dirt cheap. You’ll like staying in hostels that are near the places you want to visit. That’s a win-win situation for you. You save money, but you’re still located in a prime spot.

bell at the reception desk

What Will Attract You to a Hostel

Most hostels try to implement sustainability practices. Some encourage their guests to use minimal water and electricity, while others practice composting and recycling. There are even hostels that air-dry clothes. How fun is that? It’s like being back to basics. These are simple things that can help the environment.

Humans crave interaction. If you like to mingle, being in a hostel will allow you to meet new people. These people hail from different parts of the world, and the best part is you can learn from them. They can also learn a lot from you. There’s even a chance of collaborating with your new acquaintances in the future.

Many people who stay in hostels become friends. As there’s a common area, chances are you’ll get to know those who are staying and using the same amenities as you. You can also take this chance to meet locals who can teach you about the culture of the place you’re visiting.

Why You’ll Want to Stay in a Hostel

You might think that hostels aren’t secured. Well, it’s a delight to know that many hostels administer safety precautions for their guests. Some hostels use codes for guests, which they can use when they come home late. There’s also lockers and storage for your baggage.

Lastly, hostels are not old-school. They have a fast Wi-Fi connection and even have bars inside. You’ll be surprised to know that some of them offer almost the same amenities as a hotel.

Being scared to stay in hostels is a thing of the past. Hostels today are great and you should give them a try when you’re travelling.

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