woman with toothache

Common Oral Health Issues That Cause Headaches

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Headaches are increasingly frequent with the ordinary stresses of life, and a few people consider them normal. There is, nonetheless, nothing ordinary about a headache irrespective of its magnitude. It will affect your ability to handle different activities and the overall quality of your life. When most people are trying to think of the cause of their headaches, they focus on the everyday stressors and their general physical well-being.

Invisible braces and other orthodontic solutions from a Townsville-based clinic might be the solution for your headaches. This is because a range of dental conditions can also manifest as headaches. There is no definitive way to know if your headache is a consequence of dental conditions or from other causes. The ideal approach is to stick to routine dental appointments. This way, the dentist can pick out conditions that can cause headaches before you waste money on ineffective treatments. Here are the common oral health conditions that might cause headaches:

Misaligned Bites

Few people know that during swallowing, their lower and upper jaws will come together firmly to brace the jaw and skull. You swallow approximately 2000 times daily. When your bite is unstable such as what often follows a misaligned bite in under and overbites, your muscles will work harder than usual to bring together the upper and lower jaws. The overworked muscles will then become strained and, in turn, strain your head’s muscles and cause tension headaches. In this case, braces, palatal expanders, and headgears, among other orthodontic treatments for misaligned teeth and jaws, will relieve your headache.

Aged Restorative Treatments

man having dental treatmentMetal and composite dental fillings often used for the treatment of decayed teeth will last for ages with optimal care. Even so, they still deteriorate. Aged dental restorative materials will put some unnecessary strain on your tooth that is, consequently, spread to the jaws and then referred to the head. Keeping tabs on the state of your restorative dental works is essential so you can change them when necessary.


This is the clenching of your jaws and grinding of teeth. It often happens when asleep or when someone is emotionally stressed. Bruxism often results in chipped, flat, and cracked teeth and destroys your teeth’s fillings. Headaches associated with bruxism generally start from the ear and then move towards the temple, neck, or jaws. They are often triggered by the continual opening and closing of your mouth. Mouthguards and psychological interventions will go some way in reducing the frequency and intensity of headaches associated with bruxism.

Tooth Decay

This often results in pain that is referred to your head. As such, it is often hard to associate the headache you experience with a decayed tooth. The same case applies for gum infections. This is because the nerves that supply your tooth and gums are connected to those in the head.

Thankfully, the above issues have quick and inexpensive solutions in dental care. Other than addressing and stopping your headaches, the treatments will also improve your oral health. Some even enhance the appearance of your smile and overall self-confidence.

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