safety gear

Are You A DIYer? Here’s the Protective Gear You Need

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Just because you work in the comfort of your own home doesn’t mean you can forgo safety equipment. Every DIYer who deals with construction, electric, plumbing, and other potentially hazardous projects should have a complete set of safety gear. If you are interested in becoming a DIYer, here’s a list of safety products that you should have:

1. Safety glasses

Safety glasses protect your eyes against flying objects, excessive heat, chemical splashes, and other hazards that can harm your peepers. Safety glasses are inexpensive, so having them in your DIY kit should not be a problem.

If you want more specialized safety glasses, there are prescription versions, wraparound glasses, as well as tinted lenses that are designed to protect your eyes against bright lights.

2. Workboots

When looking at safety boots for sale, you will most likely see a variety of styles and features. For every DIYer, a pair of classic, durable, and non-slip work boots should be an excellent all-around option for many types of DIY projects.

3. Work gloves

For general DIY projects, get a pair of lightweight, durable, snug-fitting gloves that will give your fingers both protection and dexterity. You can get work gloves that are made from leather, cloth, or canvas, depending on your preference and the type of project you’re doing.

4. Masks and respirators

A mask or respirator will prevent airborne particulates, such as dust, mold, sand, and fiberglass, from entering your respiratory system. Needless to say, a mask or a respirator is a must-have in DIY projects that involve harmful air particulates. For demolition work or heavy construction projects, wear a half-mask respirator. For other types of projects, an N95 dust mask should be enough.

5. Hard hat

wearing a hard hat

A hard hat is a must if you’re doing a project that can potentially have heavy objects falling on your head, such as tree trimming or demolition. It will also help protect your head if you fall from a significant height.

Buy a hard hat that fits perfectly on your head. Loose hard hats can fall off your head or slip off when a heavy object strikes it.

6. Hearing protection

Generally, any sound that is above 85 decibels is harmful to your ears. Power tools and outdoor equipment can be as loud as 90 to 120db. Hence, prolonged exposure to this noise can significantly harm your hearing unless you wear proper ear protection like earplugs and earmuffs that are designed for construction use.

7. Protective clothing

Wear the proper clothing for the DIY project you’re doing. For general home renovations and repair, wear T-shirts and work pants. If you’re dealing with chemicals or welding, wear a long-sleeved shirt and an apron.

These are the seven most important safety gear that every DIYer must own, so whether you are an amateur mechanic or an avid home renovator, make sure you have these pieces of safety gear in your work kit.

Aside from the safety gear mentioned above, you may also invest in a back support belt, knee pads, high-visibility apparel, a headlamp, and fall protection tools.

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