medical malpractice insurance

ACA and Medical Malpractice Insurance: Why Physicians Should Be Alarmed

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medical malpractice insuranceAmerican medical practitioners are going to face more changes in the coming years. One of the many catalysts to this change will be brought by the expected huge wave of retirees who shall afford ACA.

The ACA Law

The Department of Health and Human Services describes Affordable Care Act (ACA) as the law that puts consumers back in charge of their health care. Under the law, a new “Patient’s Bill of Rights” gives American citizens the stability and flexibility they need to make informed choices about their health.

Also known as ObamaCare, ACA provides Americans with comprehensive health insurance reforms that promises to lower health care costs, expand coverage, guarantee more choices, hold insurance companies accountable and enhance the quality of care for all Americans.

Its updated key features include ending of pre-existing condition exclusions for children aged under 19, covers young adults under 26 years of age, ending of arbitrary withdrawals of insurance coverage, and guaranteed right to appeal for reconsideration when the payment is denied.

The Twist

Insurance provider,, explains that due to the increased aged health care demands and requirements of ACA, the physicians’ medical insurance rates are expected to rise over the next decade. The rates of medical professional liability insurance has not been changed over the five years, but with the rising aged population in the US, the reform policies will surely be reviewed and may be amended.

The medical malpractice insurance rates for medical practitioners are expected to fall or rise in the coming years. The approaching retirement of baby boomers will inevitably lead to increase of health care demands and medical malpractice insurance claims. In relation to this, it is anticipated that a wave of legal challenges will come to established limitations on malpractice litigation.