new year

New Year, New You: Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions

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The year is almost ending, and those who feel like they haven’t made the most of it are probably looking forward to turning over a new leaf in the New Year. This typically means listing down New Year’s resolutions to develop new habits and morph into a new version of themselves.

According to a study by the University of Scranton, 77% of people who make New Year’s resolutions hold to them for at least a week. However, only 8% of people who pledged to New Year’s resolution followed through and achieved success with their goals.

It is possible to get to the finish line, with proper planning and lots of determination. Here’s how you can meet your goals for the new year.

Start small

According to science journalist Chris Berdik, people don’t stick to their resolutions because they set large and unattainable goals. Break down your goals into smaller and more realistic tasks. For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds in six months, aim for three pounds in the first two months then two for the remaining months.

Learn why you should make a change

It isn’t enough to know the what—understanding the why is a great motivation in reaching your goals. If you aim to lose weight, ask yourself why you want to aim for that goal. Is it to develop a healthier lifestyle? Until you understand why you want to change, it may be a challenge to gather the determination and energy to reach your goals.

Hold yourself accountable

Make a written or verbal promise to people who will motivate you to meet your resolutions. You can create a blog devoted to your goals or make a less public promise to a family member, romantic partner, or a group of friends.

Track your progress


Recording your progress not only gives you a sense of achievement but also allows you to identify the stumbling blocks in your journey. By knowing what worked and what didn’t, you can adjust your goals and habits as needed. Seeing your progress can also motivate you to focus on your goal.

Ask for help

When you feel overwhelmed about sticking to your resolutions, ask for help. Working with a person with a similar goal can motivate you to keep going. Other people may also have the expertise and resources you need. For example, if you aim to get a date for next year, consider hiring a matchmaker to find your potential partner.

Learn from the past

When you fail to make a change or forget about your habit, think of it a step toward your goal. When you hit a snag, think about what did and didn’t work. Maybe you just had a bad day or got sick. Maybe you need to scale back to a less ambitious challenge.

Meeting your goals for the new year takes time and energy. The change won’t happen overnight, but you may enjoy some of its benefits as you work hard to achieve your goals. Keep nudging yourself in the direction you’d like to go and don’t give up. That way, you’ll end next year feeling like a better person.

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