Web Design

Web Design Tips for Encouraging User Engagement

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Web DesignWhy should you care about user engagement? Basically, effective user engagement results in increased conversions, reduced abandonment ratio, and increased sales. The question now is this — how do you ensure user engagement to your website?

A Clutter-Free and Clean Interface

Begin by ensuring that only relevant elements make it to your site’s interface, or at least on important pages. Maintain a balance between text and visual elements to ensure readability. Ensure that there’s ample white space so that visitors can effortlessly view important details that’re relevant to them. For instance, users looking the “DOWNLOAD” link or button on your site must be able to see it easily so that they can take your call to action.

Consider a Card-Based Design

Cards are the top ways to deliver information on your site, most especially on mobile devices. Utilize cards to provide relevant information in an animated, compact way and score major points for user interaction, which in turn will result in more efficient user engagement. For instance, let’s say your site offers bar reviews. You can incorporate the menu, services, and ambiance of each bar on one side of a card and then put the location, along with a map, as well as sharing buttons on the other side of the same card.

Take Advantage of Visual Storytelling

This is one of the most excellent ways to encourage user engagement, albeit also very challenging. Consider parallax scrolling and other similar elements that will take your site visitors on an interesting journey through your site. Done right, you’ll definitely boost user engagement and encourage users to share your site with their friends and followers on social media.

HTML5 is IN and Flash is OUT

Okay, Flash isn’t really out, but many websites are now implementing HTML5 instead of Flash. The main reason for this shift is that HTML5 can make your site platform independent. In turn, users will be capable of interacting with all your site’s functionalities regardless of the device they used to browse your site, says graphic design specialists from Red Rider Creative in Provo.

Do Away with Stock Photography

Please, just please bid farewell to stock photography and opt for original and high-quality photos on your site. No one wants to look at a photo that they’re probably already seen multiple times and on multiple sites. Consider user submitted images as well, as your user will be more likely to share these.

So take note of these web design ideas to not only encourage and increase user engagement on your site but your revenue as well. Just keep in mind that you don’t have to necessarily use all of these on your site, so choose which ones are applicable and relevant to your brand.