Tips for Choosing a Dehumidifier for Your Home

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A dehumidifier is a powerful tool that will fundamentally render your living and working environment much healthier. This is especially true if you are sweltering summer humidity or dealing with damp winter weather. This appliance will also protect your belongings from mold and mildew.

If you are thinking of buying a dehumidifier, you will find the following tips essential for choosing the ideal unit for your needs:

Energy efficiency

If you are planning to run your dehumidifier every day, it is expected that your electricity bills will skyrocket. Therefore, you will want to visit an HVAC company in Gloucester, New Jersey that sells units with energy star certification. Such a unit can potentially save you up to $200 annually on power bills.
Intended usage

Dehumidifiers are rated by their pint capacities, which correlate to space and the task to which the unit will be applied. The majority of dehumidifiers have a capacity ranging from 25 pints to 70 pints. If you reside in an area where there is too much humidity, you will require running your dehumidifier for approximately six hours a day, which is to mean that your ideal option would be a 70-pint humidifier.

Conversely, if you require running your dehumidifier in the closet for a couple of hours to protect your clothes from excessive dampness, you will just require a 25-pint unit.


This feature will come in handy when your bedroom or any other room in your home becomes humid. A portable unit will afford you the convenience of simply moving it to such an area and sucking out the moist air. Besides, selecting a portable dehumidifier will allow you to use it on crawl spaces, basements, kitchens and bathrooms.

Your choice when purchasing a dehumidifier will make a significant difference in the level of efficiency and comfort in your home. Careful shopping coupled with efficient installation will ensure that you achieve the best results for your living or working space.