These 5 Industrial Workers Need to Stay Safe at Work

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WeldingThere are always risks in the workplace, but some have it more than others. Jobs that would require safety gears would definitely need personal protective equipment (PPE). Some examples include welding, carpentry, and mining. Without PPE, workers face the risk of getting injured by sharp tools, falls from heights, burns from heat, or electric shocks. Here’s a detailed look at the jobs that need PPE:


A welding wire supply company explains that most welders work with hot materials to alter the form of metal pipes, sheets, and similar objects. They’re expected to wear safety masks and gloves to protect their face and hands from the heat they’re handling.


Carpenters typically work with saws, nail guns, and other sharp or pointed objects. These materials might cut or pierce them if no safety gear is worn. The hands should be protected, as well as the face so that carpenters won’t ingest sawdust and chemicals while working.


Mining would require headlights and helmets, as workers typically work in dark underground areas. Having lights would guide them on the right path in and out of mining tunnels, while helmets could help protect them from falling rocks or debris.


Logging would require its workers to don face masks before sawing down a tree. Sharp pieces of barks could come flying at a worker’s face, which could get them hurt if they’re unprotected.

Window Cleaning

Lastly, window cleaners are required to wear harnesses that can arrest or stop accidental falls. This comes in handy every time they’ll have to clean windows at high elevations.

Personal protective equipment is a must for professions that involve working with heat, sharp tools, poor visibility, or high elevations. Examples of such jobs include carpentry, mining, welding, and others. By staying safe at work, workers are able to advance their career and provide for their families.