a man shopping for a mattress

Five Signs It’s Time to Buy a New Mattress

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a man shopping for a mattressPeople spend a great deal of time on their mattress. After a long day at work or school, all you want to do is to snuggle into your fresh sheets on your soft, cosy mattress. But, you can’t quite do that if your bed is uncomfortable.

If you would rather sleep on the couch than in your own bed, maybe it’s time you bought a new mattress. But, make certain that you dispose of your old mattress in an eco-friendly way, Benmores Beds notes. Now, when should you purchase a new mattress?

When Sleeping is Uncomfortable

When your bed is saggy and lumpy, you may experience back pain upon waking. An unsatisfactory and disrupted sleep results in tiredness, stress and an overall bad mood.

When the Springs Make Noise

Mattresses are wear-and-tear articles. Once you feel the springs starting to pop out of the mattress and hear them make creaking noises, it’s likely time for a change. Otherwise, you will suffer an uncomfortable slumber where springs poke into your back.

When the Bed Bugs Bite

Bed bugs are a nuisance that can cause allergies and excessive itching. Flipping your mattress or changing your sheets cannot completely solve this bug problem. It’s time to replace your mattress and do a general home cleaning.

When the Mattress Changes Colour

The discolouration of a mattress can result from age, stains and spills. If you think that a discoloured mattress is grubby and that it may be a shelter for allergy-triggering dust mites, you wouldn’t be wrong.

When it’s Past the 7-Year Itch

Your relationship with your mattress should end after seven years, according to The Sleep Council. It may not be a source of discomfort, but the seven-year-old mattress you still fancy and don’t want to let go of yet has accumulated loads of fluid and skin cells you shed while sleeping.

When you sleep in an uncomfortable bed, you may develop serious skeletal and sleep problems. For that reason, don’t underestimate the importance of a comfortable mattress. If you are shopping for a new mattress, it does not have to be a lavish purchase. Just select the one you know will give you a good night’s rest and provide the support that your body needs.

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