woman with beautiful hair

Find Out What is Causing Your Hair to Go Limp and Oily

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You naturally produce sebum on the top of your head to hydrate and protect your scalp and hair. However, due to several reasons, the production of sebum increases, leaving your crowning glory limp, oily, and lifeless. Here are the possible issues that have been preventing you from getting your dream hair:

You are Using the Wrong Products

There are tons of hair products available in the market right now and a lot of them are targeted toward different hair types. For example, Kinky Curly Come Clean Natural Moisturizing Shampoo that is sulfate-free will rid your hair of dirt without stripping it of sebum. Some people may also experience skin irritation from using shampoos that have sulfate.

Although not necessarily bad, sulfate can be too harsh to your scalp and hair. As a result, your body may overcompensate by producing more sebum.

Find the right hair products for you. Learn common ingredients used in shampoos and conditioners, what they do, and how your scalp and hair may react from it. Read the label of each hair product that you use so that you are aware of what you are putting on your head. There are also shampoos that are formulated to balance oil on your scalp.

You Wash Your Hair Too Frequently

If the hair products you use are not the problem, then maybe you are overwashing your hair. You are not supposed to wash your hair daily except if you have very fine hair, you sweat a lot, or you live in a humid place.

Experts recommend that the average person should wash their hair every other day or every two to three days. Those who have dry or curly hair can afford to wash their hair much less frequently. This will allow your natural oils to spread and coat every strand, protecting them from damage.

It’s in Your Genes

Straight hair is more likely to be oilier. That is because the hair shaft does not have texture. The oil tends to slip down and pool around the roots.

If your parents have oily hair, chances are you would have the same problem. You might have inherited a particular gene that causes you to produce large amounts of oil.

woman touching her face

It Might be a Side Effect of the Medication You’re Taking

Certain medications, including birth control pills, may be affecting your hormones. Your hormones play a huge role in the regulation of oil production. Teens who are going through puberty tend to have oily skin for this reason.

If a medication you are taking for whatever reason disrupts your hormones, you might produce more oil than necessary not only on your face but also your scalp and hair. For this, you may want to see a healthcare provider to discuss your problem.

It’s Your Environment

Humidity may also affect sebum production. If you live in an area that regularly experiences high levels of humidity, your surroundings may be causing your hair to become oily and limp.

To remedy the problem, you can use essential oils (peppermint and tea tree) which have been proven to control oiliness and clarify your scalp. Consider giving your hair an apple cider vinegar that breaks down oil and change the pH level of your scalp.

If you want volume and body, you need to address what is causing problems to your locks. The above are only some examples, so better look at what applies to your hair’s condition.

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