man binge eating in front of the refrigerator

Eat Right, Live Healthy: Overcoming Binge Eating Disorder

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Binge eating disorder (BED) is a prominent issue amongst all genders and ages. It is commonly confused by many with anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. But, as experts and dietitians noted, getting an accurate diagnosis for your disorder can sometimes be challenging.

Binge eating, according to the National Eating Disorders Association, are persistent episodes of overeating that may cause guilt and lead to further mental pressure. If left untreated, binge eating can trigger more severe medical complications. Thankfully, recovery is not impossible to attain. Below, we will discuss recovery plans recommended by experts and provide information to help individuals experiencing this kind of eating disorder.

What you Think vs. Reality

You’ve been sneaking food from time to time or eating way too much to the point of uncomfortable fullness and bloating. You’ve been noticed by your friends and family, and they’re telling you that something is wrong. Yet you don’t see a problem and may think that you do not need help. You may feel angry at them for calling your attention.

What to do: You have to understand that binge eating can lead to serious implications in your health, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity, that can contribute to an increased likelihood of developing heart disease.


If you already know that you have an eating disorder, you may probably have started to think about getting help. But, you are most likely unaware of what to do. You may also feel torn between getting better and going back to your habits.

What you can do: Use the power of the World Wide Web and conduct initial research. See the best doctor, therapist, and dietitian in your town. With a proper diagnosis, you will learn why you binge eat and thus, understand how it affects your health.

The Recovery Plan

Fired up for the change? What you need at this phase is the right binge eating recovery plan to get started. Your doctor and treatment team will help you learn how the following:

  • Deal with negative thoughts when they show up
  • Cope with stress and other problems without turning to indulge in food
  • Overcome restraints that may block your way to recovery

What you can do to stay on track: Talk to the friends and family members you trust the most and ask for their utmost support.

Act it Out and Recover

Now that you have a plan, a professional treatment team, and the support of your loved ones, it’s time to address your BED. During this stage, you will learn new healthy eating habits and behavior that will push you to avoid bingeing.

What to do next: Know and understand that this is the most difficult stage. You may be tempted to slack off a little, but don’t give up. Trust your team and let them supervise your treatment. They will work with you and guide you to recovery.

Consistency is the Key

perosn having a healthy meal

Once your treatment proved successful and you’ve learned how to control and live a healthier lifestyle while simultaneously observing positive changes, don’t be lax because your battle is not over yet. Stay consistent and always recall and apply the learnings you’ve acquired so you won’t turn to food when you encounter tough and stressful times.

What to do when discouraged: Keep yourself busy on things that don’t involve eating. Go to the gym or enroll in a language class. These activities can keep you occupied so you’re less likely to think of an unwanted binge.

It’s vital to note that this guide is just a general take on binge eating disorder and a form of encouragement that is in any way not meant to replace the advice of a qualified medical expert. Seek professional help before plunging into treatment.

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