back pain

Dealing with Constant Back Pain at Work

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Whether you’re working from home or in the office, prolonged sitting usually results to back pain. Many tend to slouch, and poor posture for an extended period every day can place a lot of pressure on the spine and the back muscles and tissues.

Manage the pain and avoid it from getting worse with these tips:

1. See a Specialist

Often, people see doctors and chiropractors only when the pain has already progressed or become chronic. Do it the other way around. If you noticed it for at least a week, seek an appointment with a specialist.

There are two reasons for doing this. One, you want to rule out hidden chronic conditions that might be causing the pain. Second, if you are indeed sick, the doctor can treat you before it becomes worse.

You can approach various experts, including chiropractors. They assist patients with neuromuscular disorders through modalities like spinal adjustments or manipulation, soft tissue therapy, and kinesiology taping. If you’re living in South Dakota, a good clinic is Rushmore Family Chiropractic.

2. Invest in an Ergonomic Chair

People with back pain are also more likely to complain about stiff hands, carpal tunnel syndrome, and headaches, to name a few. All these are because of poor posture, particularly when the arms and eyes are not within a proper level from the desk or the screen.

The best way to manage back pain is to sit properly. Your back must be straight, feet flat on the floor, and head within eye level of the screen. The arms and hands are not too far below the keyboard when you type.

However, when you need to sit for a long time, you might not be able to maintain your posture. The next best option is to buy an ergonomic chair.

An ergonomic chair provides excellent back support, so it lessens the pressure on the spine and prevents you from slouching. You can also adjust the height of the seat and armrests, while the chair itself uses a fabric that lessens moisture. This way, you’ll feel more comfortable.

3. Stretch Your Body Regularly


Sometimes your back pain is a muscle issue. It might have contracted or stretched for some time that it feels stiff. When you suddenly move, you experience pain.

To reduce muscle aches, perform stretching exercises before and after you work. Even better, stretch as soon as you wake up and in between your workday schedule, perhaps during breaks. Besides the back, rotate the shoulders or flex the hands. They too can hurt.

4. Reduce Stress

Stress can manifest in the body, and it’s usually through body aches. Your shoulders and neck might stiffen because of the tension buildup. This pain can then radiate to the nearest parts, such as the back and head.

How do you deal with stress at work? Consider these ideas:

  • Play your favorite music. If you want to relax, choose classical tunes.
  • Meditate for at least 10 minutes a day.
  • Set boundaries when you can for checking emails, answering phone calls, and attending meetings.
  • Enjoy your break. Eat lunch away from the table or the screen.

Unless you can find a job that doesn’t require you to sit for a long time, you are better off managing your back pain. Transform the ideas above into habits.

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