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Be a Responsible Parent by Taking Note of These Health Markers

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Being a parent can be exhausting, but not for the reasons you may think. Sure, it’s tiring to pick up after your kid, prepare them nutritious meals, and make sure that you’ve got all the bases covered. But in reality, the most exhausting part of being a parent is constantly worrying about their health and safety.

In life, you just have to accept that many things are beyond your abilities, such as keeping your child safe from the outside world. That’s because you can’t lock them inside your home just to avoid contracting any viruses or getting hurt. But you can preempt these situations by focusing on these two health markers:


Much like the vaccines developed to fight COVID-19, countless vaccines were created to combat the pandemics that claimed thousands upon thousands of lives across the globe in the process. This includes smallpox, measles, polio, chickenpox, diphtheria, and mumps, to name a few.

Before these vaccines were available for mass distribution, people had no way of knowing how to protect themselves against the lethal virus. But as more people received the vaccines for these diseases, the rate of infection gradually diminished until ceasing to exist. Or at least, in the case of smallpox.

That’s why as a parent, you must get the right vaccine shots for your child so that they can build natural immunity against the virus. Getting vaccinated reduces your child’s chances of being infected or transmitting the disease to other people. Plus, it helps build herd immunity.

Among the most usual vaccination shots are for hepatitis A and B, polio, rotavirus, diphtheria, influenza, and measles. Of course, since these vaccination shots were made to strengthen the recipient’s immune system to fight against the virus, they can’t be administered all at once because the body might not be able to take it.

When it comes to taking your child for vaccine shots, you have to follow the right schedule recommended by their doctor. Different vaccines are administered at various ages in a kid’s life, so you must remember when they should be given. This way, your kid will always be protected against lethal virus strains.

sick kid


Everybody is unique; even identical twins who share the same DNA strands are different in some way. That’s why you can’t assume that just because you and your partner are in perfect condition doesn’t mean your child is too. It’s still much better if you can take the time to confirm your assumptions.

For instance, you and your partner aren’t allergic to dairy, but your child turns out to be lactose intolerant. Or it could be that both of you don’t have asthma, but your child does. There’s no way to possibly predict such scenarios, so it’s always best to consult a pediatric doctor regarding your child’s health.

If you suspect that your child is allergic to a certain type of food product, don’t hesitate to take them to a clinic for food allergies to eliminate any possibilities. By doing so, you could immediately create a treatment plan if needed, or you could avoid the food products that can trigger your child’s allergies.

Common food allergies include nuts, soy, wheat, shellfish, egg, and dairy. Some allergies have mild symptoms, such as itchiness, hives, runny nose, or swelling of the lips. However, in some severe cases, allergic reactions could cause wheezing, tightness of the throat, swelling of the tongue, or dizziness.

The most serious symptom of an allergic reaction is anaphylaxis, which can be deemed fatal when left unaddressed. This is because the throat and airways can swell to a point that the patient can no longer breathe, and it can cause a drop in blood pressure. Anaphylaxis can also cause an anaphylactic shock.

By consulting a specialist, you can learn how to manage your child’s allergies and build a diet plan that revolves around avoiding these allergens. Once you’re knowledgeable about your child’s allergies, you can share the treatment plan with your child’s school or nanny so that they’ll what to do when it happens.

As much as you want to stay by your child’s side 24/7, it’s impossible because you also have your responsibilities to attend to. Besides, being in school and learning with other kids their age is vital to a child’s early learning development during their formative years, which is why you shouldn’t let fear of the unknown stop you.

The best you can do is prepare for the unforeseeable by taking the appropriate measures to take care of and protect your child in the way you know how. For the rest that is out of your hands, all you can do is hope that you’ve taught your child enough so that they can protect themselves if they have to.

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