kids on their way to school

Back to School: Unforgettable First Experiences

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A child’s milestones are often related to the first time your child walks or speaks. While these are important, most children do not recall these events. As they grow older, children will have more “firsts,” and many of them may not be at home but in school. This is the time that their minds are open to new experiences, so these “firsts” must be as pleasant as possible and create teachable moments.

First Day at School: Expanding Their Social Circle

A child’s immediate environment is the home. Their first few years and experiences are limited here. When they reach the third or fourth year, they are ready to expand their world. Choosing a school that suits your child’s character is important. From making friends and creating their first art to buying their first primary books and school supplies online, every action helps build their character.

They will remember their first day of school. This day will most likely set the mood for the days after that. Hopefully, there would be no tears and clinging on this special day. Make sure that the first school is accommodating and fun. It should be a place where children feel safe to be away for a while from their parents.

Also, it must be a place where children can be confident to develop skills and form new connections. School days for your little one must be exciting. Expanding their circle should be a big adventure they’re willing to join.

children running outside

First Trip to the Dentist: Cooperating with Someone

A child needs to have regular check-ups with a paediatrician. In some cases, you visit a doctor because they might be down with something.

But, a trip to the dentist is a different thing. This visit coincides with the time when they are more apt to remember things. Some children even develop fear in visiting medical professionals. Parents should explain the purpose behind this visit.

A visit to the dentist also requires more of a child’s cooperation. They may be asked to sit still for a long period to have their teeth checked or undergo a procedure. It is an excellent time to teach them patience.

First Tooth Falling Out: Taking Care of Oral Health

This life event can either be pleasant or a tad traumatic. Some children experience pain before a tooth finally falls off. Others do not even have any clue that it would happen. Having that first tooth coming loose can be a teachable moment to reinforce good hygiene. Some children, despite their parents’ efforts, are not fond of brushing their teeth, while others are champion brushers. Regardless of what your child does, this life event is a good time to remind them to take care of their teeth. Setting up a so-called visit from the tooth fairy may also be a good idea to create a teachable moment.

First Vacation: Gathering Special Moments

Technically, this ‘first’ vacation might not be the actual first. But, a family vacation in a child’s third or fourth year will be the first among the many vacations that they will remember. Plan this trip well. You could even ask them where they want to spend time. A popular choice is a beach getaway, as there are many sensory stimuli here to encourage learning. Wherever it may be, choose a place where your child can explore and discover new things.

Parents must help their child process events and translate them into wonderful childhood memories. There are big moments in a child’s life, and there are small and everyday moments. Make sure to make all these moments count. Their childhood days will be gone before you even realise it.

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