man getting a haircut

A Guide for Men Who Want to Look Irresistible on Their First Date

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When you have your eyes set on someone, it’s only normal that you want to look your best for them. But if you’re not particularly fashionable or charismatic, doing that can be tough. So, instead of failing and risking a rejection, you’ll just cower in a corner, admiring her from afar.

But if you successfully mustered the courage to ask her out, and she said yes, your journey doesn’t stop there. If you’re actually serious about pursuing her, you need to be more than just an eye candy.

Still, there are certain physical qualities women prefer. Below are ways to achieve that “ideal” man look:

Have a Man Makeover

If you look unkempt, give yourself a good makeover to have your mane of hair and beard groomed. A nice haircut and shaved beard can give the impression of a good hygiene, which immediately gives you plus points.

Take a look at your skin as well. Women are usually nitpicky about their skin, so don’t be surprised if they’ll expect you to have a decent skincare routine. Wash your face every night, scrub off your dead skin, and apply a moisturizer. It may sound like a bother, but that 3-step routine significantly pales compared to a woman’s typical nightly rituals.

Get some nutrients to your hair as well. Your new haircut will look more suave with a good shampoo. If your tresses seem to be thinning, go for a revitalizing hair loss shampoo. This will protect your hair from further falling out if you apply a styling product.

And if there’s still enough days left before your first date, hit the gym, or do some home workouts. According to experts, women unconsciously assess how a man’s body fat is distributed, and they’re naturally more drawn to leaner body types. Hence, even if you don’t achieve dramatic results right away, try it, anyway, to show your tenacity.

Use the Right Fragrance

A woman’s sense of smell is naturally more keen, so it’s crucial to woo her with a good scent right away. You don’t even have to use an expensive perfume. Just put on your signature fragrance, and pair it with the natural scent of leather.

That’s right, it turns out that fragrant leather gets inside a woman’s head. So consider wearing or bringing something made of real leather, like a jacket or a wallet.

Dress Sharply

Closeup of handsome guy wearing pink shirt

Wearing “soft” colors impresses a woman better. Pink, in particular, has a special place in their hearts, but if you’re not bold enough to wear it, opt for purple, which fuses the masculinity of blue and the femininity of pink.

But if your first date will involve games and exhilarating activities, choose bright orange, as it exudes high energy and being outgoing.

For a romantic dinner date, don a straight-point collar dress shirt. If you’re not wearing a necktie, leave one or two of the topmost buttons undone. And for that extra boost of manliness, wear a well-fitted sport coat.

Be Ready for an Engaging Conversation

Forget cheesy pick-up lines. Women prefer more personal and intellectual conversation topics. Ask her about a treasured memory, what a perfect day for her is like, which prominent person would she love to have dinner with, or anything along those lines. They’re personal, but not invasive.

Out of all these tips, consider this one the most important. Your good looks and stylish clothes will all be useless if you can’t converse well, so find out her interests, and prepare topics based on those. But don’t worry about looking and being imperfect; your date is certainly not expecting you to be flawless. At the end of the day, all that’ll matter is that you were being yourself with her.

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